Freelance writing is one of the best methods to earn money online, however, like any other domain; the beginning is always a problem. Well, sites like Barefoot Writer pretend to be able to guide people to become skillful freelance writers online.

Though, with so many scams around you are better off taking a look at a pair of articles about The Barefoot Writer Club in order to know whether it’s legit. We have answered the question in this tell-it-all the Barefoot Writer reviews.
Table of Contents
What is Barefoot writer? and why?
Barefoot Writer is a membership magazine on the web, now and again called ezine for short, and part of the American Writers and Artists Inc (AWAI).
So, in the event that you are searching for an extensive Barefoot Writer audit where we examine the great, the terrible, and the monstrous then you have gone to the opportune spot…
The goal of Barefoot Writer is to assist individuals with getting effective, generously compensated writers. In any event, this is the thing that the state, and that is the reason we’re doing this Barefoot Writer survey.
Regardless, the “basics” of the magazine isn’t the site essentially however the Barefoot Writer’s Club.
Established by Paul Hollingshead, who has been in the business for around 17 years, the club furnishes its individuals with a month-to-month issue of the Barefoot Writer’s Club magazine. Additionally, you will approach preparing, a hover of individuals, and learning assets.
How does Barefoot writer work?
As a Barefoot Writer Club part, you’ll be given courses, preparing, ingenious material, and the month-to-month issue of the Barefoot Writer Club advanced magazine.
Barefoot Writer Club professes to have the option to make you a specialist writer, fit for carrying on with a very good quality way of life through composition.
In the event that you choose to turn into a part, they’ll take you through a preparation program with a wide range of courses, eBooks, and workshops about creating it as an independent writer.
Above all, they’ll give you a free “9 Ways To Make A Very Good Living As A Writer” report. This is essentially an eBook with methods of making a fortune in the independent composing industry.
Obviously, these online courses, understanding material, and meetings from effectively settled writers are completely intended to make you a “generously compensated writer.”
Take some actual writing classes in an actual institution if you don’t have any prior creative writing background.
As indicated by the barefoot writer website, their group of editors will at that point assist you with winning cash, which as per them, is well into the six-figure district. However, not much’s, such includes some major disadvantages.
Barefoot Writer Features
The best part about Barefoot Writer’s Club assets and data is their incentive to apprentices. It is better than general composing guidance, yet little else.
The primary issues with the Barefoot Writer Club are the cost and upsells. Prior to the article, we indicated to you a book with over a hundred different ways to bring in cash, for under $5. For $108 per year, one would expect at any rate useable data, not cushion or more advertisements.
Going further, we run over a couple of issues. The undeniable ones are the salary claims: make five, six, or seven figures pay as a freelance writer with no training or experience.
What’s more, you’ll do this from your home, and with huge amounts of leisure time. This isn’t to state making such pay is unimaginable as a freelance writer. Nonetheless, such “get rich short-term” plans are crude. Also, the same old thing at all in the domain of tricks.
Later on, we infer that a great part of the substance can be marked as “fundamental” or “starting.”
Coupled with their promotions, telling individuals they are one AWAI item away from getting rich short-term. Indeed, you get the thought.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Barefoot Writer
- They have some alright free assets accessible for individuals who need to bring in cash composing – notwithstanding, they’re very little assistance on the off chance that you need to know precisely how to approach doing it.
- With their advertised-up deals video and easy-going cases that you can make THOUSANDS with only one article, they are an incredible motivation.
- They do offer a year, 100% unconditional promise now – unquestionably a professional.

- A lot of promotion and an excessive number of bogus cases
- You can’t get any valuable data without being a paid part which costs $49
- Clearly, you’ll be hit with up-offers as much as $150 subsequent to addressing the underlying cost.
- They are selling the fantasy, and along these lines getting a great deal of consideration from guiltless individuals who simply need to get by composing. Why would that be a con? Since there is definitely no decisive proof that anybody has gotten effective and had the option to live the fantasy because of Barefoot Writers.
Is Barefoot writer a scam?
On the off chance that you’ve ever fallen for a scam, at that point you know better. That is the reason this part of the audit is critical to you.
It is not a scam. In fact, you should do a detailed study of your requirements and then go for Barefoot Writer Club.

The Pay Claims are Excessively Advertised
The Barefoot Writer claims you can make five, six, or seven figures as an independent writer. Indeed, you can yet I’m not so much persuaded they can get you there dependent on some of the front-end stuff they offer.
For example, my group downloaded their “Find 9 Writing Projects You Can Start On Today” digital book.
A portion of the data they included is, in reality, acceptable, yet its majority is simply cushioned you can get somewhere else. There’s nothing in there indicating how or where you’ll be bringing in this cash.
Possibly this stuff is remembered for their costly upsells and that is the place they uncover how to make the 5-6 figures as they keep building up on their site. In any case, since I didn’t accept these upsells I can’t state without a doubt. So’s obscure for me.
By the day’s end, my own demonstrated method of turning into a genuine online business person is My Best Work At Home Recommendation.
Once more, a decent spot to begin independent composition all alone is on destinations like iWriter or Fiverr.
In the event that you are searching for screened independent work to do, you should look at
Huge Amounts of Upsells
Barefoot Writer Club professes to empower you to make a six-figure pay, for just $108 per year.
What they neglect to make reference to is that once you pay the participation charge, you’ll likewise need to purchase heaps of other material to receive the rewards of your enrollment.
The Greater Part of the Information is Basic
It appears to be that numerous individuals have contended that the eBooks and data that Barefoot Writer Club sells is a greater amount of lightening than real valuable data.

As a Barefoot Writer Club member, you’ll receive courses, training, helpful resources, and the monthly issue of the Barefoot Writer Club digital magazine.
Indeed, this data you can get from free self-improvement guides and different spots on the web. There’s the same old thing or weighty you’ll get.
The Alternatives to Barefoot
I’ve done a lot of analysis and drafted many reviews of different opportunities to make money online, and each time I’ve come to the result that none of them defeats my number 1 recommendation for working from home, and I think this reason is why Barefoot writer is my number 1 recommendation!

However, if you are seeking freelance writing industry jobs from granted sources online, you can check out for writing jobs. You don’t need to have to be a trained writer, writing is inborn after all.
A second option is to make money writing on your own blog which is found to pay more than being a freelance writer. But it does take a long time to get any significant returns.
Final Thoughts – Barefoot Writer Review
Barefoot Writer just resembles another of those advertised up items asserting you can undoubtedly make amazing aggregates for rather straightforward composing undertakings. Just the train aspiring writers can actually like to be paid the sums they guarantee anybody can win.
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Do we suggest Barefoot Writer for yearning specialists? It is difficult to do as such. The issue here is the absence of “noteworthy” information for such a top-notch cast. Furthermore, the quantity of commercials they pack into virtually every bit of substance they convey is an inconvenience.
At long last, the barefoot writer website and the barefoot writers club are business ventures. If you are looking to improve your writing skills it is definitely a good option. Regardless of whether you are an outright novice or a more experienced, and somewhat lost, writer, there could be alternatives.
A decent rude awakening on the issue is that regardless of what choice you pick, you can anticipate hard work. Certainly, perhaps not a 9-5, however effort is required from your end.

This is no getting quick rich scheme, if you are ready to put in hours of effort nothing can stop you from reaching your goals.